Fractional Laser

Fractional Laser Treatment

At Art De Dental-Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Clinic, we understand the desire for youthful, radiant skin. Fractional laser treatment is a revolutionary procedure that can address a variety of concerns, revealing a smoother, more even-toned complexion.

What is Fractional Laser Therapy?

Fractional laser technology utilizes a concentrated beam of light to create microscopic columns within the treated area. These targeted zones stimulate the skin’s natural healing process, prompting the production of new collagen and elastin. The surrounding untreated areas facilitate rapid recovery, minimizing downtime.

Benefits of Fractional Laser Treatment:

Reduces wrinkles and fine lines: Fractional lasers effectively target wrinkles around the eyes, mouth, and forehead, promoting a smoother, more youthful appearance.

Improves sun damage and uneven skin tone

The treatment evens out pigmentation and fades sunspots, revealing a brighter, more balanced complexion.

Minimizes acne scars and enlarged pores

Fractional lasers can significantly reduce the appearance of acne scars and minimize the size of enlarged pores, leaving the skin looking refined.

Treats stretch marks

The targeted laser energy can improve the visibility of stretch marks, offering a more even skin texture.

Why Choose Art De Dental-Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Clinic?

At Art De Dental-Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Clinic, we offer advanced fractional laser technology, ensuring optimal results and patient comfort. Our experienced and certified professionals will conduct a thorough consultation to understand your unique skin concerns and recommend a personalized treatment plan.

We prioritize patient safety and satisfaction. Our team will meticulously explain the procedure, potential side effects, and recovery process. We are committed to providing exceptional care throughout your fractional laser journey.

Considering Fractional Laser Treatment?

If you are seeking a non-surgical approach to improve your skin’s texture, tone, and elasticity, fractional laser treatment might be the perfect solution. Contact Art De Dental-Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Clinic today to schedule a consultation and discuss how we can help you achieve your desired results.

Additional Information:

    • Fractional laser treatment can be customized to target specific concerns and areas of the face.
    • Multiple treatment sessions may be recommended for optimal results.
    • Downtime after fractional laser treatment is typically minimal, with most patients experiencing mild redness and swelling that resolves within a few days.

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