Gum Treatment

Gum Treatment Solutions

At Art De Dental-Aesthetic Surgery and Laser Clinic, we understand the importance of healthy gums for a beautiful and functional smile. Gum disease, also known as periodontal disease, is a common problem that can lead to serious health concerns if left untreated. Our experienced team offers a comprehensive range of gum treatment options to address your specific needs and restore optimal oral health.

Here's a breakdown of our gum treatment services

Diagnosis and Evaluation

Your journey to healthy gums begins with a thorough examination. We use advanced techniques to assess the stage of gum disease, identify the cause, and develop a personalized treatment plan.

Non-surgical Treatments

Scaling and Root Planing

This deep cleaning procedure removes plaque and tartar buildup from both above and below the gum line. This helps reduce inflammation and create a healthy environment for healing.

Antibiotic Therapy

In some cases, antibiotics may be prescribed to combat bacterial infection and promote gum tissue recovery.

Surgical Treatments

Pocket Reduction Surgery

This procedure aims to decrease the depth of gum pockets, making them easier to clean and preventing future infection.

Bone Grafting

In severe cases with bone loss, grafting procedures can help regenerate bone tissue to support healthy teeth and gums.

Gum Grafting

This technique can be used to address receding gums, protecting the tooth root and improving aesthetics.

Why Choose Art De Dental for Gum Treatment?

Experienced and Qualified Team

Our team comprises highly skilled dentists and hygienists who specialize in gum disease treatment.

Comprehensive Care

We offer a complete range of treatment options, tailored to each patient's individual needs and preferences.

Advanced Technology

We utilize cutting-edge technology to ensure the most effective and comfortable treatment experience.

Patient-Centered Approach

We prioritize patient comfort and communication, keeping you informed throughout the treatment process.

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